The Precious Blood of Jesus

It is written.


Do you want Jesus to Heal you right now?
If you said Yes,- you’ve got it!
That’s Faith!

Say, Thank you Jesus for healing my body and saving my soul.
Salvation and healing are yours right now if you can only believe! Do you believe right now? If you have answered Yes, let us thank Jesus together right now.
Thank you Jesus for shedding your blood. ” You are the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” Thank you for washing away all my sins at Calvary, and for healing my body. Thank you Jesus for healing my body of all sicknesses.

For you who do not believe

“Repent and be converted that your sins may be blotted out.”

“Though your sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow.”

Please, read on for more information.


03.10.2017 00:06


Hi Cara. Do you believe the blood of Jesus has washed away all your sins? God has demonstrated his anger at this sin. See Sodom Gomorrah discovered.

30.09.2017 07:06


Gay marriage? Yes/No?

03.12.2016 06:01

Katrina Lyons

Let the Words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in thy sight. Praises and Glory to Jesus Christ

21.11.2016 22:44

Glenn Johnston

I am a friend of Pixie’s and have read the information and believe the truth of the message I have been a believer in the shed blood since I was 5.It is the truth of the everlasting gospel of Jesus.