The Precious Blood of Jesus

It is written.

The Precious Blood

Page 2.
Do you believe
the Blood of Jesus
Has washed away all your sins?
“Jesus is the lamb of God who takes away
the sins of the world.”
There is salvation in no other Name.

Simplicity in Christ Jesus

Simplicity in Christ Jesus

Thru faith in His blood.

” They overcame by the blood of the lamb

and by the word of their testimoney,

and they loved not

their lives unto the death.”

This is what God says in His word. Why?

( some may ask.) It is very simple!

Without the shedding of blood by Jesus, the sacrificial lamb of God, there is no remission of sin. (and has never ever been, not since Adam and Eve disobeyed God, Cain murdered Abel, the children of Israel rebelled, Not even during the time of the book of Revelation.

” Not without blood.”

” The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life, ” thru Jesus, who shed His precious blood To fulfill the Law. To submit entirely to the will of the Father, by becoming the sinless sacrifice for us, “who were born in sin.” He was the ordained Lamb of God, that takes away the sins of the whole world. ……….stop. Slow down and think for a while. Jesus paid the price for the sins of the whole world! That is, everyone in your family, your street, your city, your nation, and for All those people who are indifferent to Jesus. Even for those who Never ever give Him a thought! And, He laid down His life to lift you up, out of the miry clay, out of the sin that so easily besets you. To pour out on you his grace and glory. To make YOU ” gloriously accepted in the beloved (who is Jesus.) If you wish to research the doctrine of the blood of Jesus read Andrew Murray’s 2 books “The power of the blood of Jesus” and ? “The power of the blood of Christ” about $10.00. When time is limited it is helpfull to study from a concentrated source book.

Your opinion of yourself may have been formed by a childhood of negativity or a life of abuse, but the words of men are no match for the powerfull words of a king. Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. But if that is not enough for you, Jesus is the actual creator of the whole universe!

Please share this website with family and friends and enemies. Hopefully there will be breakthru for them if some of their questions are addressed and they change their mind and accept the truth.( As lovely a little baby is at birth, and regardless of how delightful, it was, at some point it must be told the gospel story, that Jesus the Son of God, left heaven for one purpose only, to become the redeemer of all mankind. He was to be abused, whipped and crucified on a cross and shed His blood , die and be placed in a grave. His last words were ” It is finished.” His substitutionary death paid for our sin, completely washed it away , If we can only believe.

He descended into hell and 3 days later, ” by the power of His eternal life “rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven placed His blood on the mercy seat and ever lives to make intercession for us, the people He loved so much. He is alive! Once a child hears the gospel he or she can respond. ” Faith comes when we hear the words of Jesus.. It is the same for all of us.

Confession of our sins to the Father in Jesus name is important. Study of the Bible is vital. The more we study it the more we are strengthened. The darkness of this present world encroaches on our lives and buffets us, but the word of God secures us, comforts and lifts us. We are in a spiritual war against such darkness and need God’s armour. Depending on the age of a person, a study by a systematic theologian would be of enormous help. ” Arising full stature” by Apostle Laura Lee is excellent.

Without faith it is impossible to please God .

Before the foundation of the world, the Father had pre determined Jesus would be the sin substitute. He was willing to pay your debt, to take your punishment. Thru His agony on the cross, you now have the opportunity to receive forgiveness. He will, the Bible says, ” remove your sin from you, as far as the east is to the west!” Like every sacrifice offered to God, He was spotless and without sin.

“All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” In fact, a salvation without the blood is a figment of the imagination.

” If we say we have no sin we are a liar and the truth is not in us.”

For a budding evangelist, Pastors, backslidden christians, new Christians alike or for those who want to dig deeper into the how and why of what Jesus achieved for mankind on Calvary, read what the Lord showed Apostle Laura Lee on her website, on a fresh post, 13th March 2017 Unfortunately this is no longer available on Utube, but I will enclude it since this is =an indication of previous work made available to the public.

Please go to

Apostle Laura then go to “Video/Audio books and Gatherings” which you need to scroll way down to find.

Then find Most recent Vids and Posts.

Look at “Adressing Gnosticism and old testament Sacrifices. The cross of Jesus is salvation, Jesus saves.”

(Unfortunately This information is Now no longer supplied via Utube. My suggestion is to go to and type in

“gnostic apostle If you, like most believers, have never studied gnosticism, it is extraordinarily easy to find “St Paul” believable. After all, it was included in the Canon of scripture and therefore we trusted it.Therefore You need to create time and space and prayer and carefully review what the apostle has been instructed to reveal re false apostle Paul of Tarsus, for our protection and benefit. I cannot over emphasise this. Get ready for some big surprises! There are more people discovering the truth, and one that stands out is Pastor Hugh Whitmore on Utube.The mystery of the book of Revelation has been opened up and the problem of why and how gnosticism has been in the church thru some of the bible’s New testament books, is clarified for us.

For young believers it essential to lay a strong foundation, – copies of the books by Andrew Murray, of which there are several for sale thru : ” Word Books” on line, focused on ” The Blood of the Lamb,” or “The Power of the Blood of Jesus ” or my favourite, ” The Blood of the Cross.” They have increased in price over the past 12 months, but there is a free one available – an Audio version on line.)

It is the most glorious revelation of Jesus sacrifice on Calvary. Jesus who was both God and man incarnate, but a man who was utterly without sin and therefore the only possible redeemer for all of mankind. The Fathers gift to us all.

Since Jesus has paid the penalty for our sin, we simply need to accept and believe that our sins have been washed by His precious blood, because of His enormous love and the Fathers forplan and forknowledge. This is the start of eternal life with the Saviour Jesus and Our Heavenly Father

We are powerless to please God with our own proud works, in an effort to earn our salvation. Every promise we make, we so easily break. It is a hard lesson to learn. We need a Saviour. It is time to really humble ourselves and pray, Jesus forgive me, Jesus teach me from your word in the Bible. Heavenly Father I come to you in Jesus mighty name. I want to follow you all the days of my life.

If “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whoso ever believes in Him shall not perish,” do you honestly believe He left YOU out ?? What could stop you from trusting Him right now? So I will ask you once again. Do you believe the blood of Jesus, the Lamb of God, has washed away all yor sins?

I recall a conversation between the cleaner at a clinic, who was an evangelist, ( and the son of an evangelist), and a patient, waiting to see a doctor. He asked him ” The Question” ie.

” Do you believe

the blood of Jesus, the lamb of God,

has washed away all your sins ???

” If you can believe right now, Jesus will wash away all your sins.” Not having heard anything like this ever before, the man stood frowning, deep in thought. The cleaner said, “I can believe, but can you? If you can believe right now, Jesus will wash away all your sins and heal you right now. All in the one package! I can believe, but can You?” he repeated. A minute or so later the patient said. “Ok, I believe!” The cleaner said,

” what do you believe? ” the patient answered , ” what you said.” The cleaner asked “what did I say?” Answer, ” Do I believe that the blood has washed away all my sins.” So the cleaner said,

” You have just asked yourself a question – well, can you answer it? and the patient said ” Yes, I do believe! “…….a minute or so later the patient said, “I feel better now, and ten minutes later collected his gear, and left the clinic. The manageress ran after him and said

” You can see the doctor now!” The patient answered, ” I dont need to see him now. I’m better! ” We saw him in the street later, and he said,” I knew I had to go to the clinic to meet someone this morning. It must have been You.” We said no, not us, – Jesus!!!!


if You can only believe right now, you can receive the promise, the free gift of eternal life! Thru faith in his shed blood, by the loving mercy of our Heavenly Father and His mercy we are saved.

Then give thanks to Jesus for the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ AND THE SHED BLOOD OF JESUS. Now what is to stop you from asking someone “The Question”. I promise you, they will never forget it!

You, one day, will understand that Jesus, the lamb of God’s shed blood, is the most powerfull, the most dynamic, the most glorious, the most eternal, most extraordinary, most protective substance on earth, in heaven or below. It is eternal and is working eternally and has never stopped working since the cross. Pray for revelation. Ask the Father in Jesus Name. Words cannot describe all that it will continue to accomplish. Please give thanks evermore for the priviledge of proclaiming it, speak out loud, decree it for yourself, for others and for the world. ” The promise is for you and your children and all them that are afar off.” ” If you can only believe, all things are possible to them that believe.” Having believed, we all need to decree it for others in order for them to be sprinkled by the blood of the lamb. We have to realise that when we speak it, miracles can happen. Our voice in prayer can carry its power to the ends of the earth!

In Revelation 12:9, “And the great dragon was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him. And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come Salvation and strength and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ. For the accuser of our bretheren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimoney …..” Words have power. Fire power! God’s Holy spirit fire power!

we read the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent called the devil and Satan, which decieves the whole world.

” Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.”

In Isaiah 53:5 it says. “He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisements for our peace was laid upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.”

” He came to set the captives free, to open prison doors and make the blind to see, and to set at liberty them that are bruised.” but in order for you to see, “you must be born again thru faith in Jesus shed blood and the power of His resurrection.”( If there had been no resurrection from the dead there could be no salvation, no healing, no deliverence from demon powers, no miracles.)

He cast out devils from the insane, healed the blind, and the lepers, and raised the dead with a word. He healed the woman bleeding and unable to find relief,when she pushed thru the crowd to touch His robe. He can do the same for us because ” He is the same yesterday today and forever, and things that are impossible with us are possible with God thru Jesus, because He is alive! He is risen from the dead and seated at the right hand of the Father, and He everlives to make intercession for us. Why? Because we are His beloved children. No need for an inferiority complex now!

(In case you are annoyed by my method of emphasing these vital truths with large text and colour changes, please let me draw a parallel. If I was advertising products for sale in a shop, I would put signs up in larger print to grab your attention. I am not shouting disrespectfully at you! You may only pass this way once.) ” Don’t struggle with this absolute truth. Eternity is at stake. Just come to Jesus, the most intelligent, merciful, loving Son of God, your gracious Highpriest and the author and finisher of your faith, King of kings and Lord of Lords. Then,

Do not forget! Give thanks to Jesus, CONTINUALLY!!

Repent and be converted!

(repent means change your mind, when translated acurately). Do not allow a foolish mind, a darkened mind, and Satan the pentultimate deceiver and liar, to rob you of the most glorious gift God has provided for you, the promise of eternal life.

” The devil comes to steal to kill and to destroy, but Jesus came to give you life and life more abundantly.” This covers half of the understanding we need concerning the gospel, (which is the good news.)

“Stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” He says,

“Call unto me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you know not.”

“Fear not believe only !”

Unbelief and fear are directly from Satan, your adversary. Rebuke him in the mighty Name of Jesus and plead the precious blood; ( that means proclaim or pronounce ) the blood of Jesus, the lamb of God, over every situation that is distressing and evil and proclaim the covenant of peace over all that is yours.

For those who have battled against personal weaknesses, fears or doubt, even though you know you are born again, love Jesus and read your bible studiously, but fail over and over and are being condemned, chances are you need a revelation like most of us, of the mindboggling enormity of the promises of the New Covenant. I can’t remember one sermon on the New Covenant! This shows me Satan has robbed us all. I know David Wilkerson prayed for understanding from the age of 28, and it was only in his 70’s that he was blessed to get hold of it. Please see his utube videos, before they are taken down. He has a series of 1 to 6, called ,

“Taking hold of the New Covenant.”

If the old testament covenant was great and put a down payment on eternal life, as well as daily life provision and protection ie, protection for believers, the New Covenant is enormously greater for all believers today!

It was made before the foundation of the world !! If Jesus had not done His part, we would all remain cut off from God for eternity, because of inherited sin, and our sin. On the other hand if the glorious Holy Spirit had not raised Jesus from the dead into glorious power. Satan would have won!

The blood of Jesus, the lamb of God is your greatest weapon of both defence and attack, and Jesus will always come to your assistance, when you proclaim the blood of Jesus, and the power of the Holy spirit , because of the New Covenant promise made by God, ratified by Jesus, and carried and enabled by the Precious Holy Spirit’s allmighty power. Once again, you need to decide to believe and then ask.

Don’t be shy! Speak it out aloud and with great confidence.

It cost Jesus everything. Do not allow His sacrifice to be lost on you, because of unbelief or “may be later, not now.” When you proclaim the blood of Jesus it will defeat demonic attacks against you rapidly. It says in the book of Revelation,


” Every Knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father”

” IT IS A FEARFULL THING TO FALL INTO THE HANDS OF THE LIVING GOD “, that is if we are not willing to heed Him when He knocks at the door of our heart.( Sure we may feel upset and anxious, even frightened at the prospect of stepping into the unknown, but trust like a child will carry us safely to the other side, to unimaginable favour from our heavenly Father who loves us. For more teaching re the blood of Jesus, see Spurgeon’s writings also online.

Please do not refuse His call, and remain in a state of rejection of the free gift, the forgiveness of our sins. Sin is the spirit of the devil. We all need to turn from sin, and have a sincere desire to stay close to Him, and grow in the grace He will provide, overcoming our flesh or our old sin nature or what is called the heart. The scripture says ” the heart is deceitfull and desperately wicked”, so for the rest of our life we need to put no confidence in it. Instead come boldly to the throne of grace and make your requests known to the Father in Jesus Name. Come with the blood of Jesus confidently.

Though our spirit has been redeemed and washed clean and can never, nor ever wishes to disobey God ever again, it is possible to fall into sin, if we trust our old sin nature and listen to the enemies promptings. When you fall, quickly tell Jesus; apologise and ask to be cleansed and move on. None of us are perfect, but we are diligently moving in that direction by faith, leaning always on Jesus and

The power of His blood, His promises and the mighty name of Jesus!

Very independent people may find this difficult to learn, but it is Gods way for us. It is not weakness.

Although we are new creations in our spirit man and the Bible says

We have received the mind of Christ.

John the beloved has written a glorious gospel to introduce us to Jesus and the book of Revelation. His 2nd epistle is invaluable for those who are in ministry. It is so worth the effort to learn more about Jesus and how The Kingdom of God works. A new life has definitly begun. We pray for revelation knowledge as we study and meditate on Gods word. Psalm 1 teaches us how to correctly meditate, and Psalm 91 has 9 promises for our protection, that we can proclaim out aloud. The Holy Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead will lead us into all truth. The psalms are a creative simple way we can combat problems by praying various psalms out aloud and asking for spiritual backup if we are goung thru a difficult time.

Music that edifies and uplifts, that are gospel oriented can be found on U Tube by The Gaithers. That is Bill and Gloria Gaither. Singers such as David Phelps, Guy Penrod, David and Michael sing with such passion and excellence. The Booth Brothers and so many remarkable, happy, funny even and talented singing groups, harmonisers and gifted pianists and musicians, that can give hours of pleasure while the principles of the gospel are learned thru happy repetition. Most are dated throughout 2012. ‘I believe in a Hill called Calvary”,” It’s about the cross.”, “He touched me”, “Because He lives” and “Yes I know” on September the 6th 2012.

It is very helpfull to type into a Google search, a phrase or part of scripture that comes to mind, along with the word scripture in the search line.

In Isaiah we read invitations to seek Him with all of our heart and He promises to be found by us.

His throne room is now open thru the precious blood of Jesus and we are invited to come boldly to the throne of grace with our petitions and praise.

” Worthy is the lamb that was slain to receive glory and honour and power and riches.” Holy is His Name.Thank you heavenly Father. Your loving kindness is better than life.

If we “seek first ( not 2nd or 3rd or 5th) the kingdom of God and His righteousness, ” He promises to supply all of our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” ” Christ in you the hope of glory.” For a greater understanding of the new Covenant God the Father, who loves us all so much, you can find on U tube, a recent video by David Wilkerson, a proven pastor of 50 years. It is called, David Wilkerson – Freedom from sin / New Covenant Inspiration dated October 28th 2016. Years ago he wrote a book called “The cross and the switch blade.” and started “Teen challenge.”

Once you grasp this truth re

the New Covenant, the Father made with Jesus on our behalf, you will never be the same again. Truly, God loves us so much! (I have just found it on U tube).

For those needing more re healing of the body, A remarkable book is available by

TL Osborn, called “Healing the sick.” Found on line also. He took healing to the nations of the world, possibly the greatest world evangelist and miracle healing preacher in history. Definitly, watch “T.L.Osborn- The secret of His power.” ALONG WITH MANY VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE – free videos that will comfort and uplift and send your faith into the next zone, enabling you to believe for your allready granted devine healing, authorised by the Lord and King – Jesus, the son of God, who takes away the sins of the world and destroyed every sickness at the whipping post. No need to stay sick and in pain Jesus said ” It is finished!” It is always Gods will to heal you. Always, always, always, every time, every day, every infirmity, every disease, every cancer, every stroke, None are his will for you since Calvary. That IS .. the GOOD NEWS! START SAYING IT. START TO CHANGE YOUR MIND, (THAT IS WHAT IT MEANS TO REPENT AFTER ALL.) START TO AGREE WITH GOD’S WORD. HE SAID IT, AND I SAY I BELIEVE IT NOW. “BY HIS STRIPES WE ARE HEALED.” READ ISAIAH 53:5. THE SEED OF YOUR SICKNESS CANNOT DEFEAT THE LIVING AND ACTIVE POWERFUL WORD OF THE KING.IT HAS TO SHRIVEL AND DIE! HAS TO, EVEN IF YOU HAVE HAD IT 20 YEARS. BECAUSE IT IS ALWAYS GOD’S WILL FOR YOU TO BE WELL AND HEALED. THE ONLY THING THAT CAN STOP YOUR HEALING IS UNBELIEF AND DOUBT AND THESE TOO SPIRITS ARE FROM HELL AND THEY HATE YOU AND PUT SICKNESS ON PEOPLE. SO SUBMIT TO GOD AND RESIST THE DEVIL AND HE WILL FLEE FROM YOU, AND THE DISEASE WILL COLLAPSE INSIDE YOU AND RESTORATION WILL BEGIN.THANK YOU JESUS.


A A Allan took healing to all of America. Old videos can be found on U tube easily. HE WAS A FRIEND OF T.L.OSBORNE. THEY HEALED THE SICK AND DEMONISED, IN JESUS NAME.

For healing of the mind, a neuro scientist,

Dr. Caroline Leaf, has prepared marvellous instruction on how the brain works, and why scripture works in healing the mind tormented by depression, suicidal thoughts, addictions, scitzoid problems etc.

As believers we have authority over all the power of the enemy in Jesus mighty name.

Most people may find it a stretch to believe demons, (or what is called evil spirits), can exist today. When they do, it may be a disturbing experience. Know this, if a demon attacks in the night, even a non believer can shield themselve by claiming the blood of Jesus, the lamb of God out aloud and speaking the name of Jesus. What is it about a demonic attack, since we usually cannot see them? They are attracted to us, by what remains of their kingdom within us. This will be the opposite to the Holy Spirit fruits of love Joy and peace.

Suppose you have come out of a life of many of sins, and as a christian now, you are struggling with a shadow of this past and can’t get free. Remember it is absolutely God’s will to set you free, to make you as as innocent as a lamb. and He can! It can show on your face with a new glow, and in your eyes, so that even your eyes are wider, and sparkle with a new life.

Identify your problem sin or attitude and concentrate on scripture the Lord wants to show you. ” Build yourself up in your most holy faith”, when you catch on to what the Lord is ready to reveal to you, ask him to forgive you for the blighting it has done to your soul. It could be as simple as a prayer of repentance, and an apology to your heavenly Father in Jesus name, and a washing of the blood of Jesus, and a request for the power of the Holy Spirit to heal the part of your soul that has an imprint of Satan on it. That surely makes sense? It is a darkness that attracted more darkness, and it has left a stain! Remember Jesus said, He is ” coming back for a church without spot or wrinkle.” Demons want a house to live in! Your sin attracted it to you,- it hid, and now it compels you to certain habits and mindsets. They hide and we had no idea they were there, sometimes for 30 years! When this is dealt with You or others can cast the demon out in Jesus mighty name. It won’t need to be a long drawn out fight with lots of shouting like you see in the movies, and you absolutely won’t need a crucifix ! Just faith in the shed blood of the lamb and a thorough desire to be set free by Jesus, and most important , a humble mindset.

We don’t know it all yet! It will be wonderfull when there is nothing in you of Darkness. Jesus said ” ….. for the prince of this world (Satan), cometh and hath nothing in me. ” John 14:30. Bit by bit, we are set free, if we recgnise the various mindsets that lead to sin, and opens a door to demons. Remember they fell with Satan like lightening, before the world and mankind was even created. Persistent sin is their magnet, unconfessed sin, and sins like pride, stubborness and fear. Pride will open us to more trouble, pain and mental torment than we can deal with, even cancer! A demonic ruler demon with great power shall be impossible to cast out until we absolutely repent of all pride. Why is this?

Because ” pride comes before a fall.” How mighty was Satan’s fall! Jesus said “I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightening.” His sin was pride and rebellion. God’s answer is, “Humble yourself

under the mighty hand of God

and in due season He will exalt you.”

If there is anything we all need is revelation Knowledge. Keep asking for your heavenly Father to teach you and move on it as fast as you can. ” He whom the son sets free is free in deed.” “Go in this thy might ” was told a man called Nehemiah who was in great insecurity. It is a good read. Be Blessed in Jesus Name.

Now there is no excuse for you not to share the gospel with others. Ask the Lord to point you to others, whom God has allready prepared for you. Now, you also have the ministry of reconciliation. Bind the strong man in Jesus mighty name ask the Holy spirit to intervene. Then ask them

“The Question.” This is the gospel in a nutshell and requires about 20 seconds of your time! And, do not be afraid! Do you remember the question? This is it again.

Ask them, “Do you believe the blood of Jesus, the lamb of God, Has washed away all your sins?” If they say Yes, lead them to give thanks to Jesus and do what the Lord leads you to do. They now belong to Him. Go on your way rejoicing!

….. See standard pages at the top

There are more pages to look at re

the simplicity of the gospel,

which is able to save your souls.

“God Bless you and make His face to

shine upon you always.”

“May the love of God and the grace

of our Lord Jesus Christ and the

fellowship of the Holy Spirit be

with you always.”