The Precious Blood of Jesus

It is written.

Trust Jesus

You, who are reading this right now,

 From time to time I will add more information as it seems    appropriate, so I would encourage you to return and see. I might tuck it in somewhere on the earlier standard pages you may have allready read, or half way down other previously read pages.  If time permits you may need to read all standard pages again. Repetition serves as a reminder.

Do you trust Jesus , like a child, right now? 


 Now let us thank Jesus right now together.

 Thank you for your precious blood Jesus that has washed away all my sins.         Thank Jesus for making you His child!

No longer a sinner!!!!!

Now your inner man has been recreated by the simple act of faith in Jesus Blood, that has washed away your sins.

Now you have obeyed the most important command of God. ie.

“You must be born again.”

The first time you were born, you were born from below, from the earth, now you have been born from above, and are made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. He has confired upon you His devine nature.

(The nature that Cain was born with and every other reprobate ), is not in you. Look at how much a single act of faith has done. What did it cost you ? Not a single thing! But it cost Jesus His life, so, please don’t forget to give thanks to the Father for Jesus. Perhaps you always suspected you were different to others. Now you feel excited and feel you belong for the first time. Everything makes sense, even though there is a Bible with a 1,000 unread pages. Finally, it is open!

Thank you Jesus.   

Read   the gospel of John and discover so many promises that will strengthen you. Say this.  I am saved. I have been bought with a price, the blood of Jesus Christ.

As you submit to God and resist the devil he will flee from you.

Do you want Jesus to heal you right now? 

Yes, I’m talking to you.

(Nothing is too hard for Jesus.)

The Bible promises that it is absolutely God’s will to heal us. Do not be deterred by doubt and unbelief.  Rebuke it and proclaim ,

“By His stripes I am healed.” Sometimes conditions need to be met. Essentially, 

“If my word abides in you and you abide in me you shall ask what you will, and it shall be given you.”

There are over 100,000 promises in God’s word for our good, so no human situation or need could possibly have been left out by God, who by the inspiration of the Holy spirit lead various writers to record His words. 

Though you may never have read a Bible before, God can quicken to you what you need most. Ask often for revelation knowledge.

He teaches “line upon line, line upon line , precept upon precept, here a little there a little.”

He builds upon a foundation and the progression is orderly,- He being  “the chief cornerstone.”  Hell on the other hand is referred to as “a bottomless pit.” It becomes obvious that  ” no other foundation can any man lay except Christ Jesus.” He is referred to as “the Rock of our salvation.” Satan’s kingdom is without a foundation!

A truly terrifying thought that some people in life are so deceived, their minds are so darkened, that they choose this!

God is love, love  personified, while every other god (so called) and religion people have learned to follow  is deceptive, a lie, and usually connected to death, once you dig down and do some research.

On the basis of the blood being shed,  and your faith in His stripes, you are healed.  

 Healing was obtained for all when Jesus was whipped at the whipping post. The 39 lashes

He took for you, covers the  39 categories of medically known diseases!

Why?   More provision by a loving God for His children. Say this, “By His stripes I am healed.” The Roman centurian said to Jesus,

“speak the word only and my servant shall be healed.” Jesus did, and they were healed, though a long distance away. Jesus commended him for His faith. “It is impossible to please God without faith,”  ” but He has given to every man who is born again, the measure of faith.” What words we speak are able to carry us to life or to death. ” Life and death are in the power of the tongue and they who love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”

Charles Capps teaches on u tube 

“Gods creative Power for healing” and, 

“Cure for fear, doubt and unbelief.” If your experience is being thwarted, the first place I would check is any association with any form of idolatry. If it is in your heart thru various false religious precepts you hold to, once you discover them, repent quickly and ask Jesus to deliver you.

Hollywood is most peoples weakness because it has progressively been defiled, and will imprint on our minds slowly, vast amounts of mind programming, and unbelief will become a strong hold in our minds that will need to be pulled down and replaced with faith building precepts and scriptures or the end result will be failure to believe Gods word. We miss out!!! The Saviour who endured so much to heal us, grieves as His children are taken captive to lies and deceptions. That is why He says,

” Come out from among them and be ye separate and touch not the unclean thing and I will be a Father to you.”

Know Satan, the arch deciever is very religious and uses men to enslave God’s children.

We live for Jesus now, and refuse to be conformed to this world, but seek to ” be transformed, by the renewing of our minds” in order to escape the corruption and robbing that results.What has been permitted into our homes, if there is a link, will maintain a spiritual connection to idolatry, which will cause our faith to wither during a pressure time. Ask the Father in Jesus name what must go. He wants his children free of every sin and connection to Satan so that we are blessed, healthy and at peace, and are growing in the grace of God, and experiencing His love daily. Proclaim the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ as your protection and read the psalms out aloud for uplifting in times of trouble.Jesus is our high tower and our exceeding great reward. We have in Psalm 91, 9 protections. Study to memorise them.  We can set the pace for how quickly you wish to grow in Jesus. It has saved a person’s life on many occasions.

We all start with the milk of the word and in due course progress to the meat of God’s word.
God is at work in us to will and to do of His good pleasure. ” He will never, no never, ever leave us or forsake us.”

God’s words spoken in faith, creates! Remember God said , ” Let their be light ” in Genesis, and Satan’s darkness was revealed. Three days later God called into being the sun moon and stars.

“Healing is the children’s bread.”

Even as you are reading this right now, Jesus is touching your body.

Thank you Jesus for healing all these people who are reading at  this very moment.

This is always God’s will,  to wash away sin, and heal every disease, and deliver from evil. “No weapon formed against you shall prosper.” You can take authority over the thoughts that

come into your mind that you know, you did not initiate, that you know are not right.

They will leave when you proclaim the blood of Jesus. Stay with it till you completely overcome. Certain movies and past experiences can affect us negatively. The covenant of Peace, by the claiming of it in Jesus name, will cause us to win. Just saying the name of Jesus many times aloud, will set us free from disturbing, harassing, demeaning thoughts.

Remember to give thanks   con  tin  u  ally.

Just say out aloud , thank you Jesus, I am healed. God says,

“I have loved you with an everlasting love. With loving kindness have I called you. So, rejoice and be exceedingly glad.” “

” This is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His word then we know that He hears us, and if He hears us, then we know that we have the petition that we desire of Him.” Thank you Jesus. Thank you heavenly Father. The most outstanding qualities I have experienced  in Jesus is mercy and patience with all of us, while He is working goodness in us. Our new life is built on a foundation of the apostles a prophets as Jesus directed men to do the work of the ministry. It is a life that began by the Fathers love and ever continues, only because of the grace that is constantly available to each and every one of us, because of His great love. Baptism in water  by immersion is a powerfull step of obedience which releases its own blessings and is something to look foreward to.  

We can pray this, 

Fill us with your precious Holy spirit, so that we will come to know you more and more every day.

Jesus was raised from the dead at the Fathers command, by the precious Holy Spirit. We need never to be afraid of Him or His  gifts.

Because you believe the blood of Jesus has washed away all your sins and you have answered  Yes, Your life will never be the same again.   Your life will take on a new government of life and love and removal of unprofitable thinking and behaviour that could destroy you.It has been stated that our intelligence increases substantially when we are Born again.

For those who face unreasonable difficulties and serious problems, it should be considered that they may have inherited a demonic oppression that will need to be cast out. Jesus cast out demons from many who followed  Him and the apostles and disciples of Jesus were sent to do so also. They were amazed at this.  An excellent prayer can be viewed on line by Apostle John Eckhardt to break off this darkness.There are many wonderfull deliverence ministries on line Eg Dr Pat Holliday, Derek Prince, Pastor Win Worley, Pastor/ Apostle Paul A Williams, and Dr Olukoya.

“Jesus is Lord!”

” He is risen from the dead and He is Lord.” ” Every Knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Let it be so for You right now. Thank you Jesus. “Glory be to God on high and peace on earth to all men.” The most powerfull thing we can do for the kingdom of God on earth is to frequently and regularly offer our thanks and praises, via the psalms, to the Father in Jesus mighty Name either by proclaiming or singing, or praying in the spirit. He is worthy, so worthy. 

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01.12.2016 06:25

Suzanne Meyer

I say “yes” and “amen” to all that is written on this page.

21.11.2016 23:17

Glenn Johnston

Thank you Jesus for your words.

21.11.2016 23:12

Glenn Johnston

Thank you Jesus for your healing and your blessing and for hearing my prayer yesterday.