The Precious Blood of Jesus

It is written.

Eternal Life



 To  spend IT WITH  HIM,


So from today, for the rest of your life, He has said, ” Follow me.”  ” I am the way the truth and the life.” Say this to your self.. Jesus Christ said FOLLOW  ME.

SO, if you follow the red letter words of Jesus found in the New Testament written by St John the beloved ( who was actually commissioned by Jesus from the cross ) just before Jesus died for you and me, You will be very difficult for the enemy to deceive. No one enjoys being tricked. It hurts. It confuses. It disappoints us. It wastes our time. It weakens our faith. It could even lead us to hell! Jesus said, ” Be not deceived. Let no man deceive you, not by any means.” Religion is possibly a major way people take the wide road to destruction, all the time believing their false teachers. ” Wolves in sheep clothing,” Jesus said. NO doubt very sincere, devoted, nice people have been deceived by false teachers, false prophets. “Fools and blind to have believed all that the prophets have said”. There I refer not to any Old Testament prophets. But the gnostic false prophets who inserted false and dangerous words in code, understood by them, but hidden as occult writings we simple Jesus believers did not pick up on. Someone has been led by the Holy Spirit to crack the Code, to open it up to the church of Philadelphia of Revelation chapter 3. It is time! It is Time! It is Time!    It is the new wine saved for the last.If you wish to learn how Christians have been tricked for 2,0000 years go to gnostic apostle on Vimeo and the recently started apostolic – also on Vimeo only, particularly, if you know you have a call on your life as a woman, but have been held back by top down heirarchy, in churches, or personal relationships where you have been abused by narcissistic control.  Study the posts re Mrs.Packard who was put in a pschiatric institution by her husband due to the influence of “St Paul’s” writing in Ephesisns chapter 5. Its time women understand how precious they are to Jesus, ie, the real Jesus of the red letter words in Johns writing. Ephesian’s chapter 5 influenced the American law society in 1800. Mrs Packard’s story is going to help you escape the control/trap Jesus never ever meant for you. Never the less we are slaves unto whom we obey.”Jesus came to set the captives free, to open prison doors, and make the blind to see.” Calvary shows you that. A song that means so much to me, found on Utube is ” In Christ Alone.” Sing it tell you smash out of your situation.” Sadly, the teaching on Vimeo has been removed.

Jesus said, “I beheld Satan fall like lightning from heaven.”  This enemy, we all have. He will attempt to disuade you, trick you, seduce you into a thousand different ways, so rebuke him in the mighty name of Jesus.  ( A rebuke means to paralyse.) I suggest you take a minute and check a dictionary for ” paralyse.” As well,  because I have placed, all the scriptures on this site from memory, it would be wise to open a bible and carefully check for yourself.

Jesus won at Calvary for you,

“power over all the power of the enemy.

( Spiritual warfare on our behalf is carried out in the 2nd heaven or middle heaven, by angels whom God sends on our behalf against the fallen angels, principalities and powers, of the evil demonic kingdom. This increases our faith, when we use the authority from a position of Jesus victory far above these powers, over sin, fear, doubt, the devil, the flesh or the world, and Then give thanks continually to the Father in Jesus name.

I do not doubt that you have suffered greatly in your life and may even require prayer from someone with a gift of discernment and love, in the Holy Spirit, but know this and remind yourself over and over, every day if necessary, I am loved!! Jesus loves me, Jesus really loves me, He really, really, really loves me!! ”   “He has written my name on the palms of His hands and my walls are ever before Him.” This is the truth.

” For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but shall receive eternal life.”  That is the word of a King, and where the word of a king , there is liberty.” Or is it power ?

” Though He fall, he shall not be cast headlong,  for the Lord upholds him with his hand.”

I am speaking to your wounded heart:

God has seen your struggles and pain, the dissapointment and sorrows and He says,      “Come to me.

I will break off that yoke,

” Take my yoke upon you.  My yoke is easy and my burden is light.” I will smash the chains, I will cause you to walk in true holiness, I will lift you up. I will give you my peace, “the peace of God which passes all understanding.”

“I have loved you with an everlasting love. With loving kindness have I called you.”

” I will never, no never, ever leave you or forsake you.

” Switch off the TV, switch off the world’s music, switch off the games, and open your heart to my love and let me take out the stoney heart, the hurt and the pain. You have tasted hell on earth, – now choose life with you greatest friend and lover.

The terror and torment in hell is indescribably evil.

On U tube:   Bill Wiese presents the vision he had, an out of body body experience, when He spent ” 23 minutes in hell.”  and, Mary Katherine Baxter, who went with Jesus in the spirit, 30 times for three hours at a time, in order to write and preach and warn us. It has changed their lives forever. Hell is real:

I have spoken to 3 others who pray night and day for others to wake up, because of their horrifying experiences in visions and experiences in hell. They are all normal ordinary people.

No sin, rebellion, no pleasure in this life, no hurt, no injustices   (which could cause us to harden our heart and blame God, and pull away from Him, could be worth a day, a year, or any amount of time, in hell. ”

Choose you this day whom you will serve …….”   ( You could type that phrase into a google search along with the word ” scripture”, and see all the references.)

” Now the peace of God which passes all understanding shall rule you hearts and minds by Christ Jesus.”

“Go in my name and because you believe, others will know that I live.”

No man has suffered for you,

shed his blood for you,

Has been mocked, spat upon, beaten,

whipped with 39 lashes,( to enable our total healing,)

crowned with thorns, and nailed to a cross, and

shed His blood, as the lamb of God,

to ensure you could be saved from the power of sin,

and wants you safe  with him for eternity

except God the Father, and Jesus by the Holy Spirit.

And they chose you before the foundation of the earth.         You were not an accident !


Regardless of your music preferences, you may find this music video on Utube a bit of fun, and leave you smiling. Type in

“Greatly blessed and Highly favoured.” because that is what believers are!

“Still feelin’ fine.”  is a foot tapper also. and Gold City  sing “God’s building a church.” and ” I’m not giving up” and , “In time , on time, every time” . The pleasure they generate is contagious and seen on the faces of all assembled in a big room.God wants you happy.

If you like comedy and piano, Anthoney Burger plays with the Kingsmen, ” I’ve got that old time religion in my heart ” Chicago live , on U tube.

The Ball brothers sing “Its about the cross.”

Jay Parrack sings “Sometimes he whispers.”

Its all clean and sweet and lovely. The Bible says ” Whatsoever things that are good, whatsoer things  that are lovely, if it be of good report, if their be any virtue or any praise, think on these things.” If you find what is lovely it will cause your soul to be comforted and make you smile. and the Bible says to ” keep far away from evil.”

The music industry has much deception we should keep far away from. We want to co-operate with the spirit of grace who wants to bless us and cleanse us from the darkness we are not aware of. There are testimonies of many people who saw visions of hideous demons who entered their houses while they played popular music ( which in no way glorified Jesus.) Be careful!

Maybe that headache, depression, difficulty has a lot to do with corrupted entertainment you are addicted to. Give it up and make up your own songs of praise to Your heavenly Father, to the one who loves you. Hell is no place anyone would ever wish to glimpse. I have. For what seemed about 20 minutes on three consecutive occasions, in a haunted house (due to a suicide of the previous tennant.) By annointing the floor, windows, doors, fences with oil while claiming the blood of Jesus repeatedly, the house was cleansed permanently. Praise to the King of KIngs! Bless His Holy Name.”He is Lord, He is Lord, He is risen from the dead and He is Lord. Ever Knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.” Another powefull song. Do It now before it is too late. The words are so wonderful from the Old Testament prophet ,    zephania 3:17 Do look it up online and sing along, from the God who adores you! He sings over us !!!!

“He is able to save to the uttermost, all them that come unto him.” Now, “may the peace of God which passes all understanding ruleyour hearts and minds by Christ Jesus.”

God is good and He is good all the time, and nobody is capable of replacing His love for you.